Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Art - Essay Example It was hard to tell the reaction of others because all conversations were held to a whisper. The staff at the museum consists of a director and curators that specialize in their areas of expertise. In addition to the professional staff the museum hires college students trained to answer questions. While I viewed a great amount of exhibits at the museum, the exhibit that I was most drawn to was themed around impressionistic art about Italy form the 19th century. In addition to being highly artistic, the exhibit demonstrated an almost virtual experience of Italy. An added element of was that rather than being directly from Italian artists, the art was created by artists with an outside impression of Italy. In these regards, I believe the work that was presented had a more highly romanticized quality than it would had the artists been natively born in Italy. I contribute this to the fact that when individuals visit Italy they tend to visit tourist attractions and marvel at the scenery, rather than growing cynical at the historical nature of the country. The work I was most drawn to was Robert Duncanson’s A Dream of Italy. The painting was created in 1865 in Montreal after the artist visited Italy. The artist was the descendent of former slaves, and he had migrated to Cincinnati for a time where there was a vibrant art culture and only moved to Montreal to escape the racial strife brought on by the Civil War. The painting’s genre is a landscape work. The painting is Oil on canvas. It is symmetrical in that the mountain and tree protruding from the left of the landscape balance out the Italian villa picture on the right. The painting is well orchestrated in its depiction of an idealized Italian landscape. In great part Duncanson implements muted green and browns to illustrate the landscape in the foreground, while an ethereal blue depicts the distant scenery. The artist utilizes sharp line distinctions in creating a dynamic contrast between the fore-gr ounded scenery and the distant mountain background. In this respect, the artist is successful in creating a harmonious effect. The painting seems directly influenced by similar historical landscape works, and has been noted as having similar qualities to Albert Bierstadt’s Looking Down Yosemite Valley, California, which was created the same year. I was attracted to the work both by its vision of an idealized Italy, which I believe is its greatest artistic strength, and its overriding aesthetic mastery of landscape. From a contemporary perspective some individuals may criticize the painting as being somewhat mundane, as such landscapes have become cliche in the contemporary environment that has been inundated by graphic depictions. In this sense its aesthetic value as an entirely unique work of art is diminished, however its artistic mastery remains uncontested. Its ultimate cultural significance may be more closely aligned with Duncanson’s personal background as a desc endent of slaves who created the work in exile during the Civil War, than as a unique artistic object. In comparing this work to other works, one of the works from the course that most sticks out in my mind is Monet’s ‘Sunrise’. When considering Duncanson’s A Dream of Italy in regards to Monet’s work, I recognize there are a lot of similarities and differences. While both paintings consider the nature of an idealic scenery the way they express this imagery through artistic measures is strikingly different. In Duncanson’

Monday, February 10, 2020

Starting a Business, Develop a new department Research Paper

Starting a Business, Develop a new department - Research Paper Example However a number of other factors merit attention too such as development of products and services such that market competition is firmly dealt with. Moreover new businesses need to consider how positions would be manned in the new business along with the development, training and retention mechanisms. Similarly if the business is working in a unique sector it may be necessary to recruit human resources from existing businesses without violating ethical or legal norms. Similar attention to detail must be paid to the facet of marketing without which there would be little point in creating products or services. Only effective marketing to the appropriate target market segment could ensure that the product or service is being consumed as intended. A system for support and services may also be required along with marketing and other facets if the business operations require after sales support and services. Ethical and legislative considerations must always be considered no matter what t he business size, the market constraints or other restrictions might be. Effective ethical and legislative enforcement mechanisms must be installed in businesses from the top to the bottom to ensure sustainability. Business history proves that large corporations such as Enron and WorldCom came crashing down when legislative requirement and ethical considerations were put into the background. These considerations are presented below in greater detail for a fertilizer manufacturing, marketing and distribution business located in the third world. 2. Considerations 2.1. Product and Services Development One of the most vital aspects of any business is its products or services or a combination of both that are critical to generating revenue. Within a theoretical framework businesses are essentially created in order to generate revenue so the facets of product and services development are vital too. Given the fact that this text will be considering a fertilizer business it is apparent that fertilizer has been developed as a product since the 1930’s so there is little need for research into making urea fertilizer. The current production methods rely largely on using methane through a host of different processes after which urea is created. However these production methods are not continually updated so there is little need for a research mechanism to be in place. Hence the business that would be initiated in order to create urea fertilizer would require equipment and machinery that would convert methane gas into urea but would not necessarily require a research framework. In most given cases large licensors who are attuned to designing and installing new fertilizer complexes are contracted to cover the design and build aspects of the plant. Once the plant is commissioned it is handed over to an operations and maintenance staff who are essential to the product development facet. Therefore in order to start a fertilizer manufacturing business it would be necessar y to hire outside contractors who would design and build the plant in the supervision of the principal’s staff. Once the plant goes online, more manning would be required to deal with the production and maintenance aspects. It would be preferable to hire production and maintenance personnel who are previously experienced in dealing with fertilizer plants because certain aspects of a fertilizer plant are safety and